YOCOCU APS, in collaboration with Lab4green, an innovative startup born to developing green products for the cultural heritage conservation (www.lab4green.it), has developed several solutions to thicken non-polar or low-polarity toxic solvents (e.g., Ligroin) in polar thickeners commonly used in the sector such as Klucel G and Nevek. The gels produced are characterized by transparency and the possibility to adjust viscosity. To define the actual solvents of interest in the field and to make the experimented solutions highly versatile and suitable for all needs, we kindly request you to spare a minute of your time to answer the following questionnaire:
The aim is to provide materials that tangibly reduce the impact of toxic solvents on the health of workers and the environment. Your contribution in this goal is not only important but essential. Thank you for your cooperation.
YOCOCU (YOuth in COnservation of CUltural Heritage) is a social promotion association that brings together experts and young professionals, students and researchers in the field of cultural heritage conservation
Via Tasso 108, Roma (RM)