PEACE in CULTURAL HERITAGE: Images to restore peace


Peace is a universal message shared worldwide, yet too often challenged by conflicts, violence and injustice.

To sensitize the public attention to this topic, especially at this very moment, YOCOCU APS has decided to launch the photographic contest “Restore Peace”. It is addressed to all its members and friends by them invited, photography enthusiasts and not, who wish to express their creativity and their own message of hope through a meaningful and evocative image, capable of uniting peace and cultural heritage in all of their forms.

The contest aims at valorising photographs that depict objects related to peace that have been restored, recovered or transformed in a symbol of respect and reconciliation or pictures connected to the sector and the topic of peace.


Terms of participation

To participate, send a photograph in digital format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi by 20th of December 2023 to

In the email text, we have to write: “I authorize YOCOCU to use the images I have sent for promotional and informational purposes, respecting my privacy and copyright rights.”

The picture has to be original, unpublished, and not have participated in other contests previously. It has to respect the topic of this contest and be accompanied by a short caption explaining its meaning.

The submissions will be evaluated by a dedicated jury that will consider the technical quality, creativity, originality and the emotional impact of the photograph. The winner will be announced by 22nd December 2023 and will receive a “Mystery Box” worth 100 Euros.

For additional information, any doubts or requests, write to YOCOCU