Seminar “Conservation of music instruments: sharing experiences”
Seminar “Conservation of musical intruments: sharing experiences” The seminar will be an opportunity to compare two pieces of expertise in...
Seminar “Conservation of musical intruments: sharing experiences” The seminar will be an opportunity to compare two pieces of expertise in...
Dear Colleagues, after the great success of the previous editions (Rome 2015, Palermo 2017, Porto 2019, and Rome 2021), the 5th International...
Istanbul Üniversitesi Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Kongre ve Kültür Merkezi
Chair Andrea MACCHIA, YOCOCU APS Fernanda PRESTILEO, CNR – ISAC (Italy) Saadet GÜNER, Kültürel Mirasın Dostları Derneği-KUMID (Friends of Cultural...
Andrea MACCHIA, YOCOCU APS and University of Calabria (Italy) Fernanda PRESTILEO, CNR – ISAC (Italy) Lisa Maria SCHUBERTHAN, YOCOCU International...
YOCOCU 2024 will speak about: Experiences in the museum. Traditional and innovative products in terms of methodologies, applications and materials...
La Pulitura dell’argento L’evento (in modalità ibrida) è una moderna riflessione sulle problematiche della pulitura dei manufatti in argento mediante...
YOCOCU (YOuth in COnservation of CUltural Heritage) is a social promotion association that brings together experts and young professionals, students and researchers in the field of cultural heritage conservation
Via Tasso 108, Roma (RM)