La Pulitura dell’argento
La Pulitura dell’argento L’evento (in modalità ibrida) è una moderna riflessione sulle problematiche della pulitura dei manufatti in argento mediante...
La Pulitura dell’argento L’evento (in modalità ibrida) è una moderna riflessione sulle problematiche della pulitura dei manufatti in argento mediante...
3D documentation is now a very helpful tool for defining, while maintaining full spatial and volumetric awareness, the technical-constructive characteristics...
STiCH – Sustainability Tools in Cultural HeritageHeld by Dr. Sarah NunbergDiscussant: Prof. Ellen Pearlstein The seminar will focus on new sustainable...
New green alternatives for the removal of nonpolar substances from Cultural Heritage works The seminar focuses on the research project carried...
Brainstorming session between different professionals involved in the project (restorers, diagnosticians, anthropologists) to show the find through a 3D relief,...
The online event is part of the 12th AIES Conference and is sponsored by IEMEST, the ECODOMUS Cluster and YOCOCU....
In the ’50s and ’60s a group of anonymous young people, called “kids” and coming from the poorest and most...
June 19, 2020 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Webinar organized by YOCOCU in collaboration with the Museum of Civilizations (MuCiv),...
Roma, 15-19 Ottobre 2018 Il corso si rivolge a persone con esperienza pregressa nel campo del restauro (di beni librari...