The world is facing unprecedented social, environmental and economic
challenges that will require policymakers, business, scientists and citizens
to open up to one another and find new ways of collaborating. In our digital age, we are reinventing the way knowledge is produced, distributed
and acted upon. And an approach based on citizen science will be part of
this new relationship between science and society.
The current increase in citizen science shows clearly the societal
desire to participate more actively in knowledge production, knowledge
assessment and decision-making. At the same time, scientists, research
organisations and research funders are discovering the benefits of opening research to society by actively collaborating with citizens. This the aim of CONOSCIENZA Space, a bridge betwwen citizen and scienza, a place about getting kids and adults learning science through authentic, hands-on activities with real-world applications.

Do not forget, come to visit us, we are waiting for you!

Via Lanfranco Maroi, 38 Rome