Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage – 2017 Edition

2nd International Conference, 16th-18th November 2017

Organized by:


Dear colleagues,                 

We are pleased to invite you to submit your abstract for the 2nd Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage Conference which will be held in Palermo, Italy,  from  the 16th to the18th of November 2017.

Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage has been the first international forum for cross-disciplinary research on green and cultural heritage. The toxicity of solvents, chemical mixtures and biocidal products can be harmful to restorers operating on-site and in indoor environments, often without adequate ventilation. Moreover, the disposal of chemical waste could represent a threat to the natural environment, the operators and even people unrelated to the ongoing procedures.Therefore, biotechnology applications, nano-based  and innovative materials are an alternative solution for a more sustainable conservation practice. Finally, sustainable conservation of cultural heritage is inextricably linked to the environmental and socio-economical aspect of the territory and to the tourism development.

The aim of the conference is to promote a mindful consideration of ecological, economic and social aspects of conservation practice. International study cases will be presented to offer an interesting insight into new technologies and products, encouraging the exchange of knowledge. Sustainable principles for a more reliable and consciousness conservation of cultural heritage will be also discussed in a specific session, aiming to achieve a multidisciplinary exchange on the various aspects related to the intervention at different scales.

New guidelines for Green Conservation will be addressed to improve practice sustainability and the awareness on the following subjects:

a) Biotechnologies and bio-based products;

b) Nanomaterialsfor eco-friendly conservation;

c) Feasibility of innovative methods and products;

d) Green applications in the conservation practice: successful and unsuccessful case studies;

e) Sustainable conservation.

Particular consideration will be given to the contribution of young researchers and professionals and the most innovative project, selected by the Scientific Committee, will be rewarded with the YOCOCU Young Researcher Award and a grant of 500,00 euro sponsored by I.E.ME.S.T. Euro-Mediterranean Institute for Science and Technology.

New technologies and materials can be presented during a special laboratory session of the conference (Living Lab). This session, which will run at the same time as the poster session, will give the opportunity to practically experience those materials and technologies and to analyse with the developers the efficacy and efficiency of their application in the field of cultural heritage.

The papers will be published on the  “Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage” (

The best paper will be published on Journal of Cultural Heritage (JCH)



Chairman, Scientific and Organizing Committees

General Guidelines Important dates Program Registration fee
