Sustainability and archeology: green and smart strategies

Tbilisi | Samshvilde 20-24 May 2019 Intensive course awaiting YOCOCU 2020 in Tbilisi   It is possible to start by...

Registration Form

Registration Form


Corso MovimentART. Movimentazione e Trasporto dei beni culturali L’iniziativa, a carattere intensivo e pratico, è rivolta in particolare ai professionisti...

Green Lab 2018

Laboratory of green methods and products for the restoration of cultural heritage 6 December 2018 ICCROM, Via di S. Michele,...

Corso di Restauro dei Papiri

Roma, 15-19 Ottobre 2018 Il corso si rivolge a persone con esperienza pregressa nel campo del restauro (di beni librari...

Progettare i Beni Culturali

17 Dicembre 2018 Roma, L.go dei Quintili 21 Oggi ogni raggiungimento di un obiettivo passa per la predisposizione di un...

Registrazione Eventi YOCOCU

Registrazione Eventi YOCOCU

3rd International Conference in Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage

WELCOME MESSAGE We have the pleasure of announcing the 3rd International Conference in Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage that will take place between...

Yococuer Business

Yococuer Business

Together to build and design Cultural Heritage YOCOCU’s exclusive programme for public and private organisations such as companies, museums, art...

GREEN Conservation of Cultural Heritage Conference 2022 (Fourth Edition) Paths towards the sustainability of Cultural Heritage February 3rd-4th 2022 – Rome, Italy

We have the pleasure of inviting you to the upcoming:   GREEN Conservation of Cultural Heritage Conference 2022 (Fourth Edition)...