23–25 May 2018, Matera, Italy
The 2018 YOCOCU conference at Matera (Italy) is planned as a forum to promote dialogues and partnerships between scientists, conservators and managers, on one hand, and civic and community non-governmental organizations, on the other. All parties will act as interlocutors and sources of information and advice as pares inter pares, as partners for heritage since both are interested in new ways to improve the conservation and management of monumental and portable heritage. YOCOCU has become in the last decade an extraordinary meeting platform where senior and young researchers, professionals and students, all animated by the common goal to preserve and promote heritage, meet to share their stories, to offer their input in research and cultural experiences in the different fields of cultural heritage.
In YOCOCU 2018 this meeting platform will welcome citizens to encourage new dynamics between these contributors to ignite the experience and the creativity in each of these groups for the benefit of cultural heritage management and conservation.
We wish to encourage new ways for active citizen participation in the process of co-organizing heritage projects, in fact increasing their participatory levels and new communication channels with professionals. This will lead to an increase in the interest and understanding of the public in cultural heritage problems; and, conversely, the understanding by professionals of the needs and perspectives of heritage-concerned groups. YOCOCU 2018 underlines the fact that cultural heritage projects are complex endeavours that require the presence of both parties in order to be successful, useful, relevant and sustainable.
In YOCOCU 2018, cultural heritage professionals and researchers (architects, restorers, conservation scientists, archaeologists….) and the citizens (association, municipality, heritage groups….) will present their projects, accomplished research, future activities or challenges; all together will consult, debate, establish new decision-making strategies and trace new future priorities; professionals, on their side, will learn the aims and objectives of civic groups and establish conservation strategies that may keep the integrity of cultural heritage as a first priority.
YOCOCU (YOuth in COnservation of CUltural Heritage) is a social promotion association that brings together experts and young professionals, students and researchers in the field of cultural heritage conservation
Via Tasso 108, Roma (RM)