#YOCOCU invites you to the online event “Cleaning treatments? Yes, Green please!”, a scientific talk on Green alternatives in the field of cleaning polychrome works.
APPOINTMENT: Thursday, April 22 – 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. (ZOOM Platform).
The event will be held by Andrea Macchia, head of the YOCOCU APS experimentation related to the technological transfer of Green solutions from the industrial sector to the cultural heritage sector. Starting from the Teas diagram, he will illustrate the benefits and disadvantages, as well as the issues related to retention and evaporation that have emerged in the YOCOCU experience.
The day is free and open to regular YOCOCU APS Members only.
TO PARTICIPATE: register by April 18 at the following link: www.yococu.com/2021/registrazione/?lang=it
For more info: info@yococu.com
YOCOCU (YOuth in COnservation of CUltural Heritage) is a social promotion association that brings together experts and young professionals, students and researchers in the field of cultural heritage conservation
Via Tasso 108, Roma (RM)